Week 6 of the One Room Challenge is finally here and I am finished with my son’s room. Thanks to many late nights… IT IS DONE…and I absolutely and am in love with his grown up yet not so grown up room.

Just for fun, here was the plan in my head. It was created about 7 weeks ago. A few things have changed but for the most part the major pieces turned out just as I thought they would.

The loft bed paired with the vintage desk I picked up a few years ago worked out perfectly. Last week I added a full wall of cork board and I am so glad that I did! It is the perfect thing to display WHATEVER my son feels in the moment to display.

Let’s take a look at the other side of the room. The vintage green couch is still standing strong.
I love the way the art pops on the wall paper. The oversized art is a free download from Unsplash.com The photographer is Tyler Nix.

The wallpaper was a beast but I am glad I persevered! It is bright and white yet has a subtle texture to it. I would not use this product again. Read Week 5’s post to see why. I wish I would have gone for this brand. The quality is great but the install took years off my life.
The rug is from Dash and Albert and I love it. It is soft and very textural. My son wanted blue walls. I vetoed that but I wanted to make sure blue was in all the elements I could put it. The rug is a good mix of being light but still blue.

I smile every time I look at this photo. This is also a free download from Unsplash.com. I downloaded it made into an oversize print. My son is into Star Wars but I wanted a grown up room for him. I made sure the foundation of the room was grown up and then added what he is “in to” in fun (yet changeable) ways. The photographer is Daniel Cheung.
I just love that the stormtroopers are teaching Darth to ride a bike. It’s cheeky and yet modern with tons of color.

I wanted his room decor to be simple and fun. I also wanted everything on furniture to be usable. In a very digital world we try to write each other hand written notes. I put a little drop zone for all the notes people write to my son so he can feel encouraged when needed.

My son wanted blue and I delivered the bold blue by painting the built ins. In the post during Week 4, I explained how we turned our existing Ivar open shelving unit to a very custom looking built in. Thank you to my husband for this one. Head over to week 4 to see the before and details on how we accomplished this look.
The bold blue is Benjamin Moore Polo Blue and styled it with things my son loves and uses. In the light of day it is the most perfect navy blue. At night it almost looks black.

One thing my son will not do is make a loft bed well. Who does really? Thankfully he hates sleeping with a top sheet. I decided to make his bed simply and very European. The base is a fitted sheet and you fold the blanket and duvet at the end of the bed. No tucking or hassle to make the bed.
Mom for the win right?

The shelves behind his bed will serve as his night stand. I bought an oversized sham so he could rest up against the ledge of this bed. He insisted on his star wars pillow. I think its kind of cute. I am really not a huge fan of overly themed kids rooms but I think a good compromise is themed bedding. There are so many great options out there and its the way mom and kid can win.
His small clamp lamp is not really seen well here but its there and perfect for reading.

And yes, my son did get his bean bag but he hasn’t seen it yet! He has seen everything else but the bean bag. His entire room is his birthday present (coming up in two weeks) and different family members have pitched in. I want him to be able to open something up on his birthday so we bought him the bean bag.
It was the one thing (besides blue walls) he asked for and I can tell he is bummed thinking it didn’t make it in the room. What he doesn’t know I have been hiding it in the attic and bringing it down every evening to style the room. Its already back up in the attic awaiting the surprise in two weeks!

The light fixture was a last minute change. I was all in for the white sputnik flush mount until I saw this beauty. I love the three arm fixtures. Most of them are two big for the space. Most of them also are very pricey. This is actually supposed to be a dining room light but I modified it to make it a semi flush mount. In a few days I will share on instagram and the two easy steps needed to do this.

What is great is you can move the lights where you want them to shine! I love it!

The one space that I didn’t get to was the closet. I decided to take the door off long ago. Curtains are actually such an easy thing and more functional. I did clean out the space and plan to paint it and make it more functional for him soon.

Isn’t this a cute bobble head? My mother had it made for my son last year and it looks just like him! I love this kid and so thankful he is my son. Like I said in week 1, we adopted him at age 7 and created a room without knowing him. It’s fun to pull together a room that truly reflects him and more importantly, reflect his life as a member of our family.

I am in love with the room and I am so glad I decided last minute to join in. to this fall’s One Room Challenge. I am excited to go and see all the amazing spaces revealed today.
- Yesterday the featured designers revealed their spaces. Wow! I will be sharing a few of my favorites on insta soon.
- Today all the guest participants are posting their spaces so head over and soak up all the inspiration there too.
If you would like to follow the journey of this room reveal from beginning to end start here: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, and Week 5.
I am going to finish this post and then go sit in my son’s room before he comes home. It will never look this clean again and I need to soak it up. LOL!

I love everything about this!! I want a room as beautiful as your sons!!
Thanks friend!
THIS IS SO GOOD! Maybe it’s bc I have a 4yo boy and am thinking about his room, or maybe bc you just knocked it out of the park. That bean bag is excellent! 😆 I love the desk, details, bookshelves & rug too!
Thank you so much! I loved designing a room for a boy. Have fun with your lil one’s space. That is such a fun age. The bean bag was such a fun find. I can even sit in it and its comfy. He doesn’t know its in the room yet. The whole room is his birthday present and I felt like he needed to open one thing so its in all the pictures but its boxed up in the attic right now LOL. Thanks so much for your encouraging words.
what a great space- i love the star wars artwork! i used the same light fixture in my space!
I just have had time to look through all the spaces and I saw it in your room! I will be sharing it on instagram today! Love how it looks over your dining room table! Beautiful space!
jealous of this lucky kid!! that cork board wall is so fun and smart … and that Star Wars print …. I am downloading it even though I am not a Star Wars fan!! Bravo to a fab room!
Thank you so much. There were so many Star Wars prints I couldn’t choose!
This is a charming room, and I hope your son loves it! We all sleep Scandinavian style in our house, so I’m totally game with your bed-making plan! Lovely work!
Thank you so much! And he has made his bed everyday! No tucking in! Easy and Clean.
I love this room, and even want that bean bag chair for myself! Great space 🙂
Thank you so much! I love sitting in it too.